Volunteers - FAQ


Head to our volunteer page at https://www.golazo.com/belgium/volunteers/, click the registration button and follow the next steps.

Communication with volunteers happens almost exclusively digitally, via email. If possible, we would advise you to use the email of a friend or relative (who doesn’t volunteer) This person could then keep you up to date and sign you up for events.

For groups: Only the group leader needs to sign up with an email address. They can indicate per event how many people can help out and can invite members to the group. The group leader is responsible for sharing all communication with the members.

Yes, you can! After signing up you decide which events you sign up for. You always have the option to remove your account. .

In principle you could sign up as a group from two people. We recommend you do so, because then we can take into account that you would like to volunteer together.

Assigning a group leader is your own choice, and this can be changed later. The group leader has the responsibility to fill in all data correctly, stay in touch with the organisers and provide the necessary information to their fellow group members. Choose someone who wants to take on these tasks.

Absolutely! Send us an email (volunteers@golazo.com) with a short introduction of your group (who are you, what do you do, which region, how many people, etc). Please mention you would like to set up an informative chat.

You can definitely encourage your friends and relatives to join you as a volunteer. We would love for you to bring your friends. Make sure they also register or volunteer as a group.

This will be discussed in detail once you have been assigned a task. Some roles will be compensated, and others will not. The compensation will obviously be set correctly and objectively and will not depend on the person. This will be communicated ahead of the event. The length of the shift and the nature of the task are the two main variables which any compensation will depend on. We are also strictly following the current regulation on volunteer work concerning compensation. (Also read: ‘Can I volunteer if I receive benefits?)

Volunteers are helping the event manager and staff members. Volunteers are contributing to the event by performing their own, specific roles and tasks. Staff members help support the event manager and volunteers behind the scenes. They bear a large responsibility and are aware of clear, diverse obligations towards the organisers. Staff members are supposed to help lead the event and take on jobs independently.

After signing up you will be added to our volunteer programme and will be kept up to date with opportunities to assist at our events. You will be able to sign on as a volunteer for individual events, but in the meantime, you will be informed of our event opportunities after registering via email.

Via email: Make sure to supply us with a correct email address which you can check frequently.
Via the volunteer platform: Head to
https://www.golazo.com/belgium/volunteers/ and click on the login button.


You will be assigned a task based on your knowledge and interests. In addition, as a volunteer you will also be supported where necessary.

We enjoy involving enthusiastic volunteers in the events. You will be working in a team and will always be able to count on staff for guidance. The tasks you will take on can be very specific or very diverse. There is something in it for everyone. Our opportunities are divided into four profiles or teams, which the most common tasks can be attributed to. Below you can find more info about the four volunteer profiles.

We are working based off our four main volunteer profiles, but at some events we are looking for volunteers for specific tasks. After signing up you will be kept up to date via email on any opportunities.

We will be assigning tasks, but you will be able to state your preference. We will try and take that into account where possible.

Roles and shifts will be assigned depending on how the recruitment process goes. We use the ‘first come, first served’ principle, but of course we will take your preferences into account.

The length of your shift will depend on the event and the task at hand. Generally, we work with morning and afternoon shifts based around the following time slots:

  • Morning: start around 8:00 – 9:00 and finish around 12:00-13:00.
  • Afternoon: start around 13:00 and finish around 16:00-17:00.

You can also sign up for a full day shift, which is a requirement for certain roles.


Volunteer work means working for an organisation that does not strive for making profit, voluntarily and without pay. Internships and community service do not fall under volunteer work. Private or family related activities, such as helping a family member around the house, does not count as volunteer work either. For a legal definition of the term, please consult the related Volunteer Law from 3 July 2005.

Being a volunteer is allowed from the age of 15, provided you have finished the first two years of secondary education. If not, you will have to wait until you are 16.

Yes. The organisers have contracted a civil liability insurance, which will cover damages to third parties incurred while undertaking volunteer work, except for damages as a result of deceit, a serious mistake or repeated small mistakes by the volunteer. In addition, we have contracted an insurance for our volunteers which covers physical accidents.

As a volunteer programme we are accountable for any damages you would cause to third parties while conduction volunteer work. As a volunteer you can only be held personally accountable in case of deceit, a serious mistake or repeated small mistakes.

Yes, you can. But first you will have to take care of some administration before you can start volunteering. If you are unemployed on benefits, (part-time), on early retirement, eligible for a living wage, eligible for a compensation for elderly care, or eligible for a guaranteed wage for pensioners, you will be able to volunteer while keeping your benefits. In some cases, you will have to notify certain instances that you are working as a volunteer, such as the national employment office, your health insurance fund and the Public Centre for Social Welfare. It is your responsibility to arrange this.  

As a volunteering organisation we are required to request and process certain personal details. We will process your personal data in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 from 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and the free movement of those data. For more details, please consult our privacy policy on the platform.

Yes, you can. You do not have to be Belgian. All foreigners with a valid residence permit can perform volunteer work. Asylum seekers with the right to material assistance are also allowed to perform volunteer work.

“Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk vzw” is the Flemish centre for voluntary work, which has more details about volunteering regulations (https://www.vlaanderenvrijwilligt.be/wetgeving/)


Golazo is known as the organisation behind the Allianz Memorial Van Damme, the AG Antwerp 10 Miles, the Tour of Flanders Cyclo and much more. On the website (https://www.golazo.com/calendar/) you will be able to find our calendar. However, we are not looking for (many) volunteers for every single event. Below you can find a selection of 2022 events for which you will likely be able to apply as a volunteer.

You will always receive a specific event briefing ahead of time. If you need to bring anything, it will be mentioned. It is a must to wear casual, comfortable and weather appropriate attire, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.

We usually ask you to arrive at the check-in point some 30 minutes before the start of your shift, but the exact start time will be mentioned in the event briefing.

You are expected to check in on time, so best arrive at the check-in point some 30 minutes before the start of your shift. Your presence will be confirmed, and we will check if your volunteer contract is all in order. At the check-in you will usually also be able to collect a lunch box and a t-shirt and wristband, if required. We will also confirm who your point of contact is during your shift.

As a volunteering organisation we are required to inform our volunteers about certain details, such as your accountability, insurance and whether you will receive compensation. We have decided to inform you in writing, using a volunteer contract.

Depending on the event you will be given a wristband or accreditation. The event briefing will mention where you will be able to collect it, if necessary.

Depending on the event, a t-shirt will be provided.

If you are helping at an event for the entire day, a lunch box will be made available. More details will be provided in the event briefing.

Details about parking options will be provided in the event briefing.

Details about any secure bike storages will be provided in the event briefing.

No, we do not provide accommodation. We expect you to live in the region of the event or arrange your own accommodation in case you live further away.

Yes! The organisers must be informed that your shift is finished. Inform your point of contact at the event and, if possible, visit the check-in desk.

If a volunteer compensation was agreed, then we will endeavour to compensate you within 10 days of the event.

Consult a member of the organisation on site and explain what happened. You can also email us at volunteers@golazo.com.

Consult a member of the organisation on site and explain what happened. You can also email us at volunteers@golazo.com.